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Treehouse - HTML5 Resource of the Day


Video training is highly effective when the quality of the content is excellent and the information is reinforced through both challenges and achievements. Whether you’re looking to learn more about web development or design or maybe even mobile development, Treehouse has you covered. Let’s take a look at the offering.

Treehouse - A better way to learn technology

Treehouse bills itself as “a better way to learn technology”. After a brief look through the courses offered, I have to agree. The video content here is top-notch and the challenges and achievements keep things interesting. One additional thing I like about Treehouse is that they provide full text transcripts for each video as well as extra credit and teacher’s notes. It really is a great way to learn.

Here is a sample screenshot of the video content:


This is what the challenge interface looks like:


Finally, here’s a sample course schedule:



I think Treehouse is a wonderful way to learn new material and they have a great selection of courses available. I would definitely recommend checking out the trial.

Learn Web Design, Coding & much More! 100% Off First Month.


Be sure to stay tuned to my new Web Programming For Beginners series as well!


If you have any questions or comments in the meantime, please feel free to email me at bschooley@infragistics.com or find me on Twitter @brentschooley.



NetAdvantage for Windows Forms Release Notes - May: 12.1, 12.2, 13.1 Service Releases


With every release comes a set of release notes that reflects the state of resolved bugs and new additions from the previous release. You’ll find these notes useful to help determine the resolution of existing issues from a past release and as a means of determining where to test your applications when upgrading from one version to the next.

Release notes are available in both PDF and Excel formats. The PDF summarizes the changes to this release along with a listing of each item. The Excel sheet includes each change item and makes it easy for you to sort, filter and otherwise manipulate the data to your liking.

In order to download release notes, use the following links:

WinForms 2013 Volume 1 Service Release (Build 13.1.20131.2027)

PDF - NetAdvantage for WinForms 2013 Volume 1
Excel - NetAdvantage for WinForms 2013 Volume 1

WinForms 2012 Volume 2 Service Release (Build 12.2.20122.2073)

PDF - NetAdvantage for WinForms 2012 Volume 2
Excel - NetAdvantage for WinForms 2012 Volume 2

WinForms 2012 Volume 1 Service Release (Build 12.1.20121.2135)

PDF - NetAdvantage for WinForms 2012 Volume 1
Excel - NetAdvantage for WinForms 2012 Volume 1


Pivot Tables on iPad and how to make one with ReportPlus


Hi, my name is Gabriel, and I'm a data junkie (everyone claps in imaginary support group). I like to measure processes by analyzing data logs, and check for trends. I do this as part of my job, but also do it with my personal data, such as my email inbox. The feature that I use the most in Microsoft Excel is Pivot TablesSo when I started using my iPad I could not believe there were no good apps to do pivot tables on the iPad, or even the iPhone. All office-like apps, don't include Pivot Tables support. That´s one of the reasons we decided to build ReportPlus, to allow data junkies like me to be able to do all sort of data analysis on the go, not just when they have access to a desktop computer. In this article we'll show how easy it is to build pivot tables in ReportPlus to summarize data

In case you are wondering, Pivot Tables are data summarization tools commonly found in spreadsheets or business intelligence software. Probably the most popular software application that provides pivot tables support is Microsoft Excel.

Let's look at the following example, for instance if you have an excel spreadsheet with sales data, listing invoices, something like the following:

ReportPlus PivotTable Sales Data

You may want to know the total number of sales, grouped by Country. How can you do this? You could start adding up each sales cell of the same country manually, which would be very tedious and error prone, or you could create a pivot table and get something like:

Excel Pivot Table Sample

Creating the pivot table on the iPad

If you need to do this in an iOS device, such as an iPad, or iPhone, your best option is to get ReportPlus, import the Excel spreadsheet to Local Files, and get started. To do this you'll need to start a new dashboard, which you do by tapping the + button on the initial view, and selecting one of the blank templates. Then you navigate the Local Files folder (or whatever data source you may have configured to retrieve the data from), and drop it in the dashboard canvas.

ReportPlus Drag Data Set

Once you do this, the widget editor is displayed automatically. This view lists on the left hand side the columns of the data set, and in the central bottom part the pivot table editor.

By tapping and holding fields in the columns list they become available for dragging. This allows for two things, one reordering them in the list, two using them to build a pivot table. By dragging and dropping columns in the pivot editor placeholders (Rows, Columns, Values and Filters) we create the pivot table. 

Dropping fields in the Rows placeholder will create a table with the first row containing all the distinct values contained in the dropped column. For instance in the Sales example, dropping the Country column in Rows generates a table listing USA, UK, and Japan in different rows. Dropping a field in the Column placeholder has a similar effect but the values are structured as different columns of the table.

Widget editor pivot drag2

Dropping fields in the Values placeholder applies a summarization function on all the values of dropped column, grouped by the values in the Rows or Columns placeholders. For instance, by dropping the Sales column in Values will add the number of Sales grouped by the different countries. There's a list of available summarization functions to calculate minimum, maximum, average, sum, etc. This can be selected by tapping the field in the pivot table, and changing the function selected in the Aggregation option.

Widget editor pivotfield summarizationfuncs

If the field dropped in Values is not numeric, then the function that will be applied is the COUNT function that simply counts all values on that column in the original data table. 

Applying Fitlers and Sorting Pivot Tables

By tapping on a field dropped in values, the fields settings editor is displayed. This dialog allows to configure several things:

  • Label. Allows to change the label generated for the aggregated value, which by default is the name of the aggregation function plus the name of the field. This can be renamed to anything.
  • Aggregation. Changing the aggregation functions as mentioned in the previous section.
  • Sorting. This option allows to sort values in the pivot table. For instance it can be used to sort values in a descendent order.
  • Formatting. This option allows for example changing the way numeric values are display, to render them as currency, remove decimal figures, show 1000 separator, etc.

Widget editor pivottable fieldsettings

For instance it allows to sort sales by amount, and filter the values to display only the top 10 Countries. Again, something very useful, very easy to achieve with ReportPlus, not so much with other tools out there.

Pivot Table and DateTime fields

One of the neatest features of ReportPlus pivot table is that it handles Date columns "intelligently". Whenever you drop a Date column in Rows ReportPlus automatically groups the values by Day, Month, or Year, depending on the time period contained in the data table. This is simpler that other pivot table implementations that require the creation of a calculated field, to extract for instance the month value of out the Date value in order to aggregate by Month.

Widget editor date aggregation

Aggregating Date columns also allows drill down navigation. This can be tried by tapping in the first row containing the dates. Drilling down from years, displays, months, and drilling down months displays the values for days.


Once the data has been summarized with the pivot table we are able to choose among the many data visualization options available in ReportPlus to chart it, so that it becomes as easy as possible to read & digest.

ReportPlus Column Chart

NetAdvantage for Silverlight Release Notes – May: 12.1, 12.2, 13.1 Service Releases


Release notes reflect the state of resolved bugs and new additions from the previous release. You will find these notes useful to help determine the resolution of existing issues from a past release and as a means of determining where to test your applications when upgrading from one version to the next.

Release notes are available in both PDF and Excel formats. The PDF summarizes the changes to this release along with a listing of each item. The Excel sheet includes each change item and makes it easy for you to sort, filter and otherwise manipulate the data to your liking.

In order to download release notes, use the following links:

Silverlight 2012 Volume 1 Service Release

PDF - NetAdvantage for Silverlight 2012 Volume 1 (Build 12.1.20121.2295)
Excel - NetAdvantage for Silverlight 2012 Volume 1 (Build 12.1.20121.2295)

Silverlight 2012 Volume 2 Service Release

PDF - NetAdvantage for Silverlight 2012 Volume 2 (Build 12.2.20122.2170)
Excel - NetAdvantage for Silverlight 2012 Volume 2 (Build 12.2.20122.2170)

Silverlight 2013 Volume 1 Service Release

PDF - NetAdvantage for Silverlight 2013 Volume 1 (Build 13.1.20131.2069)
Excel - NetAdvantage for Silverlight 2013 Volume 1 (Build 13.1.20131.2069)

NetAdvantage for WPF Release Notes – May: 12.1, 12.2, 13.1 Service Releases


Release notes reflect the state of resolved bugs and new additions from the previous release. You will find these notes useful to help determine the resolution of existing issues from a past release and as a means of determining where to test your applications when upgrading from one version to the next.

Release notes are available in both PDF and Excel formats. The PDF summarizes the changes to this release along with a listing of each item. The Excel sheet includes each change item and makes it easy for you to sort, filter and otherwise manipulate the data to your liking.

In order to download release notes, use the following links:

WPF 2012 Volume 1 Service Release

PDF - NetAdvantage for WPF 2012 Volume 1 (Build 12.1.20121.2314)
Excel - NetAdvantage for WPF 2012 Volume 1 (Build 12.1.20121.2314)

WPF 2012 Volume 2 Service Release

PDF - NetAdvantage for WPF 2012 Volume 2 (Build 12.2.20122.2179)
Excel - NetAdvantage for WPF 2012 Volume 2 (Build 12.2.20122.2179)

WPF 2013 Volume 1 Service Release

PDF - NetAdvantage for WPF 2013 Volume 1 (Build 13.1.20131.2073)
Excel - NetAdvantage for WPF 2013 Volume 1 (Build 13.1.20131.2073)

Developing a RESTful CRUD grid with IgniteUI, WebAPI and Entity Framework


In a previous blog post of mine I have presented an application which tackles a create/read/update/delete scenario in the context of the IgniteUI grid. I have used frameworks such as MongoDB, Node.JS and Mongoose.

In this blog post, I would like to present an application which uses WebAPI and Enitity Framework to talk to an Ignite UI grid. You are probably aware that the Ignite UI grid supports HTTP REST CRUD operations, and any backend which implements the PUT/GET/POST/DELETE HTTP requests according to the RFC specs is compatible with the grid.

WebAPI is a framework from Microsoft which makes it really straightforward to build REST services. We are going to use a MS-SQL database, have EntityFramework on top of that, in the context of an ASP.NET MVC application, and expose our CRUD operations via WebAPI.

I will use two pages in my application – one which is just HTML + CSS + JavaScript, and one which uses Razor and also makes use of our MVC Grid wrapper. The idea is to show that our grid does not depend on ASP.NET MVC, when we would like to use WebAPI and perform CRUD operations.

Before we start I will list the software packages that you will need:

1)      Visual Studio 2012 (Express should do)

2)      ASP.NET MVC 4.0

3)      Entity Framework (it’s best to install the latest version)

4)      Microsoft SQL Server Compact (4.0) – if you do not have it, you can download from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17876

The first three packages can be obtained from NuGet. I’ve actually created a dependencies folder in the project I have attached to this blog post, and all the necessary assemblies are there, so you shouldn’t need to download and install anything additional.

Note: I have used 7zip in order to compress the sample, because default zip /RAR compression makes the file size too big.  I have put an extra .zip extension that you’ll need to remove, because our blogging software doesn’t seem to accept the default .7z extension. You can obtain 7Zip from here:


Other programs such as WinRAR will also be able to decompress it.

Before I begin with the MVC project, I would like to summarize the different HTTP request types that correspond to each CRUD operation:



URL Format Example

Response Code




201 Created ;




200 OK




204 No Content

Delete (remove)



200 OK


Any client & server implementing those correctly can communicate in a RESTful way.

Let’s start by creating an ASP.NET MVC 4.0 project. We can add the js and css folders from the Ignite UI installation to the root of the project – later on, they’ll be referenced from there.

Now add a new item to the project – SQL Server Compact database, and name it Products.sdf:

Double-click the sdf file – it should be placed in the App_Data project folder, and add a couple of tables to the database (Company, Orders, and Products):

The schema for the tables is as follows:

I am not going to use all the tables immediately because I would like to demonstrate some specifics of the Entity Framework, and different ways you can serialize lists of objects and send them from the server to the client – either directly or by proxying to a custom simpler class.

After you have the tables created, you can create an EF model, for now let’s create one for the Products:

After you do this, you can use the EF model in the following way, in your controller code:

var entities =new ProductsEntities();

// entities.Products will give you the list of all products, EF will create a “Product” type for you automatically

Now, in the “Controllers” folder, create a “HomeController” (Empty MVC Controller), an mvcController (Empty MVC Controller). We will use the HomeController, which is the default one, to render a HTML view which will instantiate an ignite UI grid using only JavaScript. We will use the mvcController to render an IgniteUI grid that’s based on the MVC wrappers. 

    public class HomeController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
        {return View();
    public class mvcController : Controller
    {//// GET: /mvc/

        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();


The key part of our sample is to expose our CRUD operations through WebAPI. We will create an additional MVC Controller that will handle the CRUD requests, set the appropriate response types, etc. There are two ways to do that – to use an API controller template, or to write it manually. Let’s see what happens if we use the API template – that will do most of the work for us:

Let’s have a look at parts of the generated code:

public class Default1Controller : ApiController
        private ProductsEntities db = new ProductsEntities();

        // GET api/Default1
        public IEnumerable GetProducts() { var products = db.Products.Include("Company"); return products.AsEnumerable(); } 

You can see that, based on the Product class from EF, WebAPI’s controller template pretty much does all the CRUD-related work for you. It generates the correct HttpResponse codes for you, too. The only drawback of the default template is that it doesn’t generate code for batch operations. Later on in this blog post, we will create a WebAPI controller from scratch, which will tackle more cases than the default one.

Now we need to focus on the Client-side part and write our View. Note that I am attaching a fully functional application, so don’t worry if something does not run correctly if you try to build the app from scratch, you can always have a look at the attached app.

In the Views => Home folder, create an Index.cshtml View, with the following contents:

<!DOCTYPE html><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>WebAPI CRUD</title><scripttype="text/javascript"src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.js"></script><scripttype="text/javascript"src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.2/jquery-ui.js"></script><scripttype="text/javascript"src="js/infragistics.loader.js"></script><scripttype="text/javascript">
        	scriptPath: 'js/',
        	cssPath: 'css/',
            resources: 'igGrid.Updating',
            ready: function () { 
                    dataSource: "/api/products",
                    primaryKey: "ID",
                    restSettings: {
                        update: { url: "/api/products" },
                        remove: { url: "/api/products", batch: true },
                        create: {
                            url: "/api/products",
                            batch: true
                    autoGenerateColumns: false,
                    height: "350px",
                    width: "800px",
                    columns: [
                            { headerText: "ID", key: "ID", dataType: "number" },
                            { headerText: "Name", key: "Name", dataType: "string"},
                            { headerText: "Price", key: "Price", dataType: "number"},
                            { headerText: "Quantity", key: "Quantity", dataType: "number"},
                            { headerText: "Release Date", key: "ReleaseDate", dataType: "date"}
                    features: [
                                name: "Updating",
                                editMode: 'cell',
                                columnSettings: [{
                                    columnKey: 'ID',
                                    readOnly: true
                $("#save1").on("click", function () {
        });</script></head><body><divclass="panel"><inputid="save1"type="button"value="Save Changes to server"/><br/><tableid="grid1"></table></div></body></html> 

The most important section of this code is the part where we define our REST settings. Note that you don’t need any custom code at all, the grid manages all the RESTful CRUD ops for yourself. You can use any service URL which conforms to the RFC specs for GET,POST,PUT, etc. 

                    restSettings: {
                        update: { url: "/api/products" },
                        remove: { url: "/api/products", batch: true },
                        create: {
                            url: "/api/products",
                            batch: true

Note that every type of operation, “update”, “create”, “remove” , can be batch or not batch. If it is set to batch:true, you can perform several ops in one single request, without having to send multiple requests. The URL in that case will have the following format:

E.g. creating two products:


Also note how The WebAPI automatically intercepts the correct request and executes the corresponding method in the controller, based on the URL and the type of the request. So for example if we have the following request to create a product:

The controller method that will be executed is the following:

  // POST api/products

  public HttpResponseMessage PostProduct(Product product)

Note how WebAPI automatically performs serialization/deserialization of the objects to JSON.

(Keep in mind if your controller name is Default1 (the default), the request will have the format: // POST api/Default1)

In a similar way, we can create an MVC view that instantiates the Ignite UI grid using the MVC wrapper extensions, I will leave the details for you (please have a look at the attached sample -> Views/mvc/Index.cshtml).

Now if we play a bit with our EF model, we add some more entities, such as Order and Company. We can also add associations between those entities, such that a Company can have many products (1:n), and a Product can have many Orders (1:n). Then our model will look like this:

Note that when you are creating the associations, EF will ask you and create various properties in your Product classes, such as Orders (list), Company (of type Company), etc.

And here comes the problem if we try to run the same CRUD grid, after we’ve added those extra parts in the model – we are inevitably going to get either Circular reference errors, or other issues with the serializations. The least we’ll get is a very bloated response JSON, that will try to serialize a lot of extra data for every product, if we blindly pass the list of Product objects in the response. In order to resolve this, we will create our own MyProduct class, with the following properties:

namespace RESTWebAPI.Models{publicclass MyProduct{publicint ID { get; set;}publicstring Name { get; set;}publicdouble Price { get; set;}publicint Quantity { get; set;}public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set;}} 

Then we are also going to create our empty ProductsController, and write the CRUD methods ourselves, by returning instances of MyProduct, instead of “Product”, with all the extra data in the response.

One very important thing to note is that the way we are going to implement our WebAPI controller is such that we won’t be converting from IQueryables to Lists. That is, if we have paging, and we have 5 entities per page, we won’t need to load all records from the DB in memory. We won’t be expanding the IQueryables and converting them to other types in foreach loops. We are going to use LINQ, and I hope will like the beauty of it :)

publicclass ProductsController : ApiController{#region GET// READ// GET /api/productspublic IQueryable<MyProduct> Get(){
            var entities =new ProductsEntities(); return from product in entities.Products
                   select new MyProduct{
                           ID = product.ID,
                           Name = product.Name,
                           Price = product.Price,
                           Quantity = product.Quantity,
                           ReleaseDate = product.ReleaseDate};} // GET /api/products/idpublic MyProduct Get(int id){
            var entities =new ProductsEntities();
            MyProduct product =(from p in entities.Products where p.ID== id
                                select new MyProduct{
                                    ID = p.ID,
                                    Name = p.Name,
                                    Price = p.Price,
                                    Quantity = p.Quantity,
                                    ReleaseDate = p.ReleaseDate}).First();if(product ==null)thrownew HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));return product;}#endregion GET #region POST// CREATE// POST /api/productspublic HttpResponseMessage Post(IEnumerable<MyProduct> products){
            var entities =new ProductsEntities();if(ModelState.IsValid){ // detect conflictsforeach(MyProduct p in products){if(entities.Products.Where(e => e.ID== p.ID).Count()>0)thrownew HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Conflict));} //persist through EFforeach(MyProduct myProd in products){
                    Product p =new Product();
                    p.ID= myProd.ID;
                    p.Name= myProd.Name;
                    p.Price= myProd.Price;
                    p.Quantity= myProd.Quantity;
                    p.ReleaseDate= myProd.ReleaseDate;
                    entities.SaveChanges();}catch{thrownew HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Conflict));}// create response
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, products);// 201 Created should also return the location of the new resource.// As we are creating more than one we'll only add the location of the first.string uri = Url.Route(null, new{ id = products.First<MyProduct>().ID});
                response.Headers.Location=new Uri(Request.RequestUri, uri);return response;}thrownew HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));}#endregion #region PUT// PUT /api/products/5public HttpResponseMessage Put(int id, MyProduct updatedProduct){
            var entities =new ProductsEntities();if(ModelState.IsValid){// find product
                Product p = entities.Products.Where(o => o.ID== updatedProduct.ID).First();if(p !=null){
                    p.ID= updatedProduct.ID;
                    p.Name= updatedProduct.Name;
                    p.Price= updatedProduct.Price;
                    p.Quantity= updatedProduct.Quantity;
                    p.ReleaseDate= updatedProduct.ReleaseDate;try{
                        entities.SaveChanges();/* Alternatively the response can be * 200 OK if update was enacted correctly (same as 204 No Content) * The response does not have to include a representation of the entity updated return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK); */returnnew HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);}catch{thrownew HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Conflict));}}// if resource is not found it should be created
                p =new Product();
                p.ID= updatedProduct.ID;
                p.Name= updatedProduct.Name;
                p.Quantity= updatedProduct.Quantity;
                p.Price= updatedProduct.Price;
                p.ReleaseDate= updatedProduct.ReleaseDate;
                entities.Products.AddObject(p); // create response
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, updatedProduct);// 201 Created should also return the location of the new resource.string uri = Url.Route(null, new{ id = updatedProduct.ID});
                response.Headers.Location=new Uri(Request.RequestUri, uri);return response;}thrownew HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));} // PUT /api/products/?ID=5&ID=6&ID=7public HttpResponseMessage Put([FromUri]IEnumerable<int> index, IEnumerable<MyProduct> updatedProducts){
            var entities =new ProductsEntities();
            List<MyProduct> createProducts =new List<MyProduct>();bool created = false;if(ModelState.IsValid){foreach(MyProduct updatedProduct in updatedProducts){
                    Product p = entities.Products.Where(o => o.ID== updatedProduct.ID).First();if(p !=null){
                        p.ID= updatedProduct.ID;
                        p.Name= updatedProduct.Name;
                        p.Price= updatedProduct.Price;
                        p.Quantity= updatedProduct.Quantity;
                        p.ReleaseDate= updatedProduct.ReleaseDate;}else{
                        created = true;// if resource is not found it should be created
                        p =new Product();
                        p.ID= updatedProduct.ID;
                        p.Name= updatedProduct.Name;
                        p.Quantity= updatedProduct.Quantity;
                        p.Price= updatedProduct.Price;
                        p.ReleaseDate= updatedProduct.ReleaseDate;
                    entities.SaveChanges();/* Alternatively the response can be * 200 OK if update was enacted correctly (same as 204 No Content) * The response does not have to include a representation of the entity updated return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK); */if(!created){returnnew HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);}}catch{thrownew HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Conflict));}// we had to create entities// create response
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, createProducts);// 201 Created should also return the location of the new resource.string uri = Url.Route(null, new{ id = createProducts.First().ID});
                response.Headers.Location=new Uri(Request.RequestUri, uri);return response;}thrownew HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));}#endregion #region DELETE// DELETE /api/products/5public HttpResponseMessage Delete(int id){
            var entities =new ProductsEntities();if(ModelState.IsValid){
                MyProduct deletedProduct =new MyProduct();
                Product entity = entities.Products.Where(p => p.ID== id).First();
                deletedProduct.ID= entity.ID;
                deletedProduct.Name= entity.Name;
                deletedProduct.Price= entity.Price;
                deletedProduct.Quantity= entity.Quantity;
                deletedProduct.ReleaseDate= entity.ReleaseDate;try{
                    entities.SaveChanges();}catch{thrownew HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Conflict));}return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, deletedProduct);/* Alternatively Delete can also return * 202 Accepted if the delete action is accepted but not enacted * 204 No Content if the delete action has been enacted but the response does not include the deleted entity(s) return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted); */}thrownew HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));} // DELETE /api/products/?id=5&id=6&id=7// FromUri attribute is mandatory for MVC4 RC because the parameter is a complex type// and by default is taken from the request bodypublic HttpResponseMessage Delete([FromUri]IEnumerable<int> index){
            var entities =new ProductsEntities();
            List<MyProduct> deletedProducts =new List<MyProduct>();if(ModelState.IsValid){foreach(int i in index){
                    MyProduct deletedProduct =new MyProduct();
                    Product entity = entities.Products.Where(p => p.ID== i).First();
                    deletedProduct.ID= entity.ID;
                    deletedProduct.Name= entity.Name;
                    deletedProduct.Price= entity.Price;
                    deletedProduct.Quantity= entity.Quantity;
                    deletedProduct.ReleaseDate= entity.ReleaseDate;
                    entities.SaveChanges();}catch{thrownew HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Conflict));}return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, deletedProducts);/* Alternatively Delete can also return * 202 Accepted if the delete action is accepted but not enacted * 204 No Content if the delete action has been enacted but the response does not include the deleted entity(s) return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NoContent); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Accepted); */}thrownew HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));}#endregion} 

Since our controller is named ProductsController, we don’t have to change anything in our grid javascript definition. Once we load it, we can use the Updating feature UI in order to perform the CRUD operations. Note that I’ve added a “Save Changes” button which invokes grid’s saveChanges() function once clicked. This persists all the changes to the server. If we have multiple CREATE requests and batch is true, this will result in one CREATE (POST) request. Same for all the rest. So if we have a mix of CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE and batch is true for all of them., this will result in a maximum of 3 requests.

If you would like send the update request immediately to the server, you can also handle the rowAdded / rowDeleted / editCellEnded / editRowEnded, and invoke saveChanges() there. 

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you like the powerful functionality of our updating feature. Let me know if you have any questions about the content and about the attached project. Any suggestions for additional functionality are more than welcome! 

Responsive Web Design with jQuery Grids: A closer look


Responsive Web Design with jQuery GridsI really hope I got you excited about the Responsive Web Design mode for the Ignite UI Grids last time– as it is the kind of an unique feature that truly makes this jQuery control stand out! As previously explained it’s not exactly a simple thing to make a grid responsive, but our team made serious considerations on how to best approach this and I do believe they’ve pretty much nailed it and this will turn out to be very useful addition. There were also plenty of things that can’t fit in a single blog, plus the fact that the actual feature was not yet released so there wasn’t too much of demo material to see. So now, with 13.1 out and even accompanied by a service release, without further due, let’s dig into the technical stuff! I’ll start with some interesting design considerations and even potential pitfalls related with Responsive Web Design and then have some specific Grid tips.

A Getting Started, of sorts

Now these are more of honorary mentions as the most basic stuff were already covered elsewhere, but hey, it doesn’t hurt to have them on a speed dial. So in case you missed it - here’s a nice summary on Building responsive web design using CSS3 Media Queries!

And because creating a Responsive app is all in the name of providing users with a better experience I figured some UX tips and food for thought are in order. Our Services or as of recently D3 (from Discover – Design – Develop) have a solid expertise in the field and they share some of it in their blogs. For example this on UX of Responsive Web Design you should definitely check out! There’s a whole lot more on UX, Design and usability and I highly recommend keeping an eye on those.

Once you have technology and design considerations in check, I’d like to turn your attention to the now available Documentation for the igGrid Responsive Web Design (RWD) Mode. There’s an good coverage on the theory behind this and also a good amount of examples! Speaking of which, you can also check out our samples for Responsive Web Design Custom Mode Template Switching and Responsive Web Design Mode of the Grid with Twitter Bootstrap

Additional considerations

Some “good to know about” extras  – like the browser viewport. One of the most important things to consider is that many (if not all) smartphone browsers will 'lie' about their dimensions. It's not a bad thing, mind you – most phones these days have such high dpi that it will be impossible to read and interact normally with pages where everything is shrunk to the native resolution. Instead, as you can read on CSS pixel ratios (or, why all mobile sites are 320 pixels),  pixels we would use for web development are now relative. The term ‘CSS pixels’ also pops up here and there, but basically the browser will almost always scale the pixels down (so 1 pixel will actually be multiple physical ones), which in term affects the browser viewport dimensions. Those dimensions, usually wider than the screen, are still small enough to squish a non-responsive page and big enough to force the user to scroll. This is where the all-time favorite meta tag comes in setting the viewport to match the device width (which removes that annoying scrolling) but limits your space further, something in the range of 320 – 460 of them virtual pixels! Remember the utility class table from Bootstrap I showed last time? I hope it does it make sense now why phones end up in their respective visibility class even in landscape.

On the other side are tablets where many have a pixel ratio of 1 or 2 in the case of retina displays, but for all intents and purposes tablets usually hit the desktop size mark in landscape and only get to the tablet-specific styles in portrait. There’s a very large and very incomplete List of displays by pixel density on Wikipedia if you wan to have a look.

There’s also an interesting issue with setting the IE10 viewport in CSS (as is per recommendation) rather than using the meta tag. The issue came out of nowhere and this blog on Responsive Design in IE10 on Windows Phone 8 helped me a lot. As it turns out, the bug applies actual physical pixels when using “device-width” in CSS. Eventually I tracked down the issue to Bootstrap’s own CSS - they applied to fix Win 8 apps in snapped mode, but it completely broke Bootstrap pages on Windows Phone. Keep that in mind, there’s a fix provided that feels hacky at best, but it does work so consider it if working with Bootstrap.

Additionally, good things to remember is that touch devices have their special needs and oddities – make sure touch targets are big enough, remember touch events are separate and in the case of the Grid – consider applying the touch-friendly Windows UI Theme. And once more, have a look around those D3 blogs for mobile and usability related articles that can help you.

Merging and Column Hiding

As I hope it has become clear the Responsive feature allows for both hiding columns through setting and modifying the structure (markup) via templates. The template swapping is a source of quite a few possible modifications, perhaps one of the most useful ones is merging columns, as you may read in the docs. Now I know this might not be necessary, but better safe than sorry: don’t attempt to hide columns through the template or merge them (e.g. writing one less <td> cell). A main thing about the Ignite UI Grid is that is has columns array you usually define or have auto-generated – either way, row templates are designed to do just that – allow you to format the already existing layout! In other words, templated columns MUST match the layout defined or all data properties if generated! You will not get any results if column definitions and markup clash. So, for hiding columns you are stuck with defining column settings (not too pretty if they are a lot, I know).

So how then exactly do you merge columns? Well one option is hiding a column though settings and adding its data to another still visible ones in a template. This is the approach you can see in our samples and it works best when the target column header is something that makes sense after you merge, like in that sample the Address taking in the country and city values as well.

Another possible way that I personally like is though an Unbound Column. That way you can have the unbound setup with multiple data properties and only revealed when other are not. For example take this part of a grid definition where you have first and last name separate and an unbound column to take their place when  on phone:

  1. $("#grid").igGrid({
  2.     columns : [{
  3.         unbound : true,
  4.         key : 'name',
  5.         dataType : 'string',
  6.         headerText : 'Full Name'
  7.     }, {
  8.         key : 'FirstName',
  9.         dataType : 'string',
  10.         headerText : 'First name'
  11.     }, {
  12.         key : 'LastName',
  13.         dataType : 'string',
  14.         headerText : 'Last Name'
  15.     }],
  16.     //...
  17.     features : [{
  18.         name : 'Responsive',
  19.         forceResponsiveGridWidth : false,
  20.         columnSettings : [{
  21.             columnKey : 'name',
  22.             classes: "ui-visible-phone",
  23.             configuration: {
  24.                 phone: {
  25.                     template: "<span>${LastName}, ${FirstName}</span>"
  26.                 }
  27.             }
  28.         },{
  29.             columnKey : 'FirstName',
  30.             classes: "ui-hidden-phone"
  31.         },{
  32.             columnKey : 'LastName',
  33.             classes: "ui-hidden-phone"
  34.         }]
  35.     }]
  36.     //....
  37. });

Same thing using the ASP.NET MVC helpers:

  1. @(Html.Infragistics().Grid(Model)
  2.     .Columns(column =>
  3.     {
  4.         column.Unbound("name").DataType("string").HeaderText("Full Name").Template("${FirstName} ${LastName}");
  5.         column.For(x => x.FirstName).HeaderText("First name").DataType("string");
  6.         column.For(x => x.LastName).HeaderText("Last Name").DataType("string");
  7.         //...
  8.     })
  9.     .Features(feature =>
  10.     {
  11.         feature.Responsive().ForceResponsiveGridWidth(false).ColumnSettings(setting =>{
  12.             setting.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("name").Classes("ui-visible-phone").Configuration(conf => conf.AddColumnModeConfiguration("phone", c => c.Template("<span>${LastName}, ${FirstName}</span>")));
  13.             setting.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("FirstName").Classes("ui-hidden-phone");
  14.             setting.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("LastName").Classes("ui-hidden-phone");
  15.             //...
  16.         });
  17.     }).DataBind().Render()
  18. )

Essentially turning merging the two columns going from tablet to phone mode in the images below:

jQuery Responsive Grid with separate columns in tablet mode

jQuery Responsive Grid with merged columns in phone mode


As you may remember and notice above, when Responsive is used with Column Hiding you get that hidden indicator that is both a cue for the user something else is there and an interaction target to modify the visible columns. In terms of usability for touch though, it does feel slightly hard to hit. Good thing you can pick its width I guess – it seems that something in the range of 14-15px is much easier to hit, which is about double the default size.

jQuery Responsive Grid in phone mode with Hiding indicators enlarged

Of course, unless you arrange your columns in a way that all the ones you will be hiding are in front or at the end, you will get multiple indicators like I have above. Increasing their size for touch takes up even more of the already precious space.

So either ensure arrangement or hide the indicator entirely - well, not really since right now there is no such option, but you can always set the width to 0! How would the user know of hidden columns and interact with the feature then, you may ask? Well, the Column Hiding and its API provide you with the necessary tools to build your own user experience by adding an external button to open the column chooser dialog and events to let you know and potentially display when columns are hidden to the user. The column chooser is easy to open with a single call and hiding and showing events are fired for each column separately (by both Hiding and Responsive!) so you can keep track of their count:

<buttonid="openChooser"> Show/Hide Columns </button>

  1. $.ig.loader("igGrid.Responsive.Hiding", function () {
  2.     $("#grid").igGrid({
  3.         //...
  4.         features : [{
  5.             name : 'Responsive',
  6.             responsiveColumnHidden: hidden,
  7.             responsiveColumnShown: shown
  8.         },{
  9.             name : 'Hiding',
  10.             hiddenColumnIndicatorHeaderWidth: 0,
  11.             columnChooserWidth: 300,
  12.             columnHidden: hidden,
  13.             columnShown: shown
  14.         }]
  15.         //...
  16.     });
  18.     //initial state after load
  19.     updateHiddenLabel($("#grid").data('igGrid'));
  21.     $("#openChooser").igButton().click(function myfunction() {
  22.         $('#grid').igGridHiding('showColumnChooser');
  23.     });
  24. });
  26. function hidden(evt, ui){
  27.     var label = $("#hiddenColumns");
  28.     var newHiddenCount = parseInt(label.data('count')) + 1;
  29.     label.data('count', newHiddenCount).text("(" + newHiddenCount + " hidden)");
  30. }
  31. function shown(evt, ui){
  32.     var label = $("#hiddenColumns");
  33.     var newHiddenCount = parseInt(label.data('count')) - 1;
  34.     label.data('count', newHiddenCount).text("(" + newHiddenCount + " hidden)");
  35.     if(newHiddenCount <= 0){
  36.         label.data('count', 0).text("");
  37.     }
  38. }
  39. function updateHiddenLabel(grid){
  40.     var hiddenCount = 0;
  41.     var columns = grid.options.columns;
  42.     for(index in columns){
  43.         hiddenCount += columns[index].hidden ? 1 : 0;
  44.     }
  45.     $("#hiddenColumns").data('count', hiddenCount).text( hiddenCount ? "(" + hiddenCount + " hidden)": "");
  46. }

Note that you should pick a fitting size for the chooser (300 looks ideal, remember that’s in CSS pixels) as the Draggable and Resizable widgets on the chooser are not likely to work too well, unless you use one of those widgets that add touch support to jQuery UI.

RWD grid in phone mode without the hidden indicatorThe column chooser for in the Responsive Phone mode

Of course, you can have the indicators and extra chooser shortcut as well – all depending on what fits your design needs better.

Multi-Column Headers

When you are using jQuery Grids with this feature there’s a slight consideration to keep in mind. With Column Hiding you can hide columns in groups directly through their multi-header keys.  Event though the Column Hiding feature itself  allows for such API calls  and we’ve also been using “hiding a column” through the Responsive feature, it’s not the same thing. Responsive, much like Hiding, is hooked to the underlying grid framework that just won’t accept such calls because they don’t exist there. So short version – Responsive can’t hide multi-columns at once through their common header, you will have to provide settings for each separately.

Responsive Hierarchical Grid

Noticing the title? ‘Grids’? Yes, plural. Decided I should show some love for those with more complicated(hierarchical) data on their hands. Sometimes by looking at what we write and demonstrate someone would think we are forgetting about the Hierarchical Grid. We aren't really, we are merely forgetting how easy it is for readers and users to forget that it is build on top of actual flat grids. You know, there's actually a very normal igGrid widget running alongside the igHierarchicalGrid every time, even for the parent layout. When we talk features and functionality, we almost always have both controls in mind and only mention special cases. Point is this particular Hierarchical Grid is not afraid of some Responsive Web Design!

The Responsive feature can be inherited but that, as with other features with column settings, won’t do you any good. In other words, the feature and its settings must be defined for each layout you want it on. Which is not half bad because you can apply separate recognizers and mode profiles for them.

Twitter Bootstrap is also supported, which is to say you can use Bootstrap CSS classes for column visibility and mode recognition. And it’s also super easy to set up. Introducing the Responsive Web Design page with Ignite UI jQuery Hierarchical Grid and Twitter Bootstrap… whoa, that’s a mouthful!

  1. $('#grid').igHierarchicalGrid({
  2.     dataSource: '/Home/Departments',
  3.     autoGenerateColumns: false,
  4.     autoGenerateLayouts: false,
  5.     responseDataKey: null,
  6.     columns: [
  7.         //...
  8.     ],
  9.     columnLayouts: [{               
  10.         columns: [
  11.             //...
  12.         ],
  13.         features: [{
  14.             name: 'Responsive',
  15.             responsiveModes: {
  16.                 phone: "bootstrap",
  17.                 tablet: "bootstrap",
  18.                 desktop: "bootstrap"
  19.             },
  20.             columnSettings: [{
  21.                 columnKey: 'BusinessEntityID',
  22.                 classes: "visible-desktop"
  23.             }
  24.             //...
  25.             ],
  26.             rowTemplate: {
  27.                 desktop: "<tr><td>{{html BusinessEntityID}}</td><td>{{html LoginID}}</td><td>{{html NationalIDNumber}}</td><td>{{html Gender}}</td><td>{{html BirthDate}}</td><td>{{html MaritalStatus}}</td><td>{{html JobTitle}}</td><td>{{html OrganizationLevel}}</td><td>{{html HireDate}}</td><td>{{html SalariedFlag}}</td><td><div class='progressbar'>{{html VacationHours}}</div></td></tr>"
  28.             }
  29.         }]
  30.     }],
  31.     features: [{
  32.         name: 'Responsive',
  33.         responsiveModes: {
  34.             phone: "bootstrap",
  35.             tablet: "bootstrap",
  36.             desktop: "bootstrap"
  37.         }
  38.     }]
  39. });

The only difference is that you have to specify the Bootstrap recognizer if you need it, and use unprefixed classes for the column visibility like “hidden-phone” and you should be good to go:

Responsive Web Design jQuery Hierarchical Grid and Twitter Bootstrap

And the template you notice above is just for desktop where you can enjoy power and space so why not have a column with Gauges or sliders or progress bars in my case:

Responsive Web Design jQuery Hierarchical Grid and Twitter Bootstrap

Thinking about it, you get responsive design mode grid with responsive design grids in it in a responsive web design site/app – this should totally qualify for an Inception meme!


I have some interesting tips and tricks coming up next, so stay tuned!

Designing for Responsive Design - Webinar

I’d love to hear some thoughts, so leave a comment down below or @DamyanPetev.

And as always, you can follow us on Twitter @Infragistics and stay in touch on Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn!

NetAdvantage for Windows UI Release Notes – May: 13.1 Service Release


Release notes reflect the state of resolved bugs and new additions from the previous release. You will find these notes useful to help determine the resolution of existing issues from a past release and as a means of determining where to test your applications when upgrading from one version to the next.

Release notes are available in both PDF and Excel formats. The PDF summarizes the changes to this release along with a listing of each item. The Excel sheet includes each change item and makes it easy for you to sort, filter and otherwise manipulate the data to your liking.

In order to download release notes, use the following links:

Windows UI 2013 Volume 1 Service Release

PDF - NetAdvantage for Windows UI 2013 Volume 1 (Build 13.1.20131.1094)
Excel - NetAdvantage for Windows UI 2013 Volume 1 (Build 13.1.20131.1094)

NetAdvantage for ASP.NET Release Notes - May: 12.1, 12.2, 13.1 Service Releases


With every release comes a set of release notes that reflects the state of resolved bugs and new additions from the previous release. You’ll find the notes useful to help determine the resolution of existing issues from a past release and as a means of determining where to test your applications when upgrading from one version to the next.

Release notes are available in both PDF and Excel formats. The PDF summarizes the changes to this release along with a listing of each item. The Excel sheet includes each change item and makes it easy for you to sort, filter and otherwise manipulate the data to your liking.

Download the Release Notes

ASP.NET 2012 Volume 1

ASP.NET 2012 Volume 2

ASP.NET 2013 Volume 1

FREE Metro Light and Dark Themes for WPF and Silverlight Microsoft Controls


The quest for a good application theme never ends.  You spend hours scouring the realms of Google and Bing looking for a clean, modern, and touch friendly theme to use in your application.  That is, until now!  If you have been looking for a free Metro theme for WPF and Silverlight, then look no further.

Infragistics ships a number of great themes with their NetAdvantage for WPF and Silverlight products.  As the Product Manager for these controls, I started asking myself, “Why should we keep these great themes to ourselves?”.  If you know me, you know I am a hard core XAML developer and I am all about community.  Heck, I single handedly wrote the most popular Extended WPF toolkit in the world, and I provided it to everyone for free.  So starting today, I am excited to announce that I am going to be giving away, all of our themes for the standard WPF and Silverlight Microsoft controls.  Yes, I said GIVING AWAY, as in FREE

There is a catch though.  We will NOT support every single Microsoft control.  Why?  Well, because we would prefer for you to use our controls instead.  For example, we will not be providing a style for the Microsoft DataGrid because we have a much better xamDataGrid control.  You get the idea.  Also,  I am not going to give them to you all at once.  I am going to release them a one at a time.  Why?  Well, I want to see what kind of response I get from the community.  If I get zero response or support from the community, then there is no need to keep releasing themes.  I don’t want to waste my time, or the developers who create these themes time.  On the other hand, if the community gives me an overwhelming show of support, then I will be releasing more themes.  Seems fair, wouldn’t you agree?

Today’s free theme is a clean, modern, touch friendly theme in the form of the Infragistics’ Metro Theme.  You will be getting both a Light and Dark version.

Wait, did you say “Metro”?  Yes, I said Metro.  Why?  Because, that’s what everyone knows it as no matter how many times Microsoft tries to rename it.  As we all know by now, there is a ton of confusion around the term “Metro”.  First its “Metro”, then it’s “Modern UI”, then it’s “Microsoft Design Style”, and now it’s…  Well, I don’t know what it is right now.  What’s important here is not the name, but rather the theme itself.  Now on to the free theme.


First up is the Silverlight version of the Infragistics Metro Theme.  We are providing a Metro style for each primitive control that appears in the Visual Studio toolbox, the controls that ship with the Silverlight SDK, and of course some controls from the Silverlight Toolkit.  As you can see, we organized the themes by their respective source so that you have the option to use which ever control you need and not add any unnecessary dependencies on other assemblies.

Infragistics Light and Dark Metro Theme Structure

Adding the theme to your application is very simple.  Just include the resource files for the controls you require the Resources section of your view, or in your App.xaml.

        <!-- Light Theme -->
        <ResourceDictionary Source="Themes/Metro/Light/Metro.MSControls.Core.Implicit.xaml" />
        <ResourceDictionary Source="Themes/Metro/Light/Metro.MSControls.SDK.Implicit.xaml" />
        <ResourceDictionary Source="Themes/Metro/Light/Metro.MSControls.Toolkit.Implicit.xaml" />


You can see the full list of supported controls in the list below.

  • Accordion
  • AutoCompleteBox
  • BusyIndicator
  • Button
  • CheckBox
  • ComboBox
  • Expander
  • GridSplitter
  • Label
  • ListBox
  • PasswordBox
  • ProgressBar
  • RadioButton
  • Rating
  • RepeatButton
  • Slider
  • TabControl
  • TextBox
  • ToggleButton
  • Tooltip
Metro Theme Light

Metro Theme Light Silverlight

Metro Theme Dark

Metro Theme Dark Silverlight


Next up is the WPF version of the Infragistics’ Metro Theme.  Just like the Silverlight version, we are providing you with styles for the primitive WPF controls that appear in the Visual Studio toolbox, as well as some controls in the WPF Toolkit.  Just like for the Silverlight version, we organized the themes by their respective source so that if you don’t use the WPF toolkit, there will be no need for your code to take a dependency on it..

Infragistics Light and Dark Metro Theme Structure for WPF

Adding the theme to your applicantion is the same as the Silverlight version.  Just add the resource dictionaries to the Resources section of your View or App.xaml.

        <!-- Dark Theme -->
        <ResourceDictionary Source="Themes/Metro/Dark/MetroDark.MSControls.Core.Implicit.xaml" />
        <ResourceDictionary Source="Themes/Metro/Dark/MetroDark.MSControls.Toolkit.Implicit.xaml" />


Here is the full list of support controls:

  • Accordion
  • AutoCompleteBox
  • Button
  • CheckBox
  • ComboBox
  • Expander
  • GridSplitter
  • GroupBox
  • Label
  • ListBox
  • PasswordBox
  • ProgressBar
  • RadioButton
  • Rating
  • RepeatButton
  • Slider
  • TextBox
  • ToggleButton
  • Tooltip
Metro Theme Light

Metro Theme Light WPF

Metro Theme Dark

Metro Theme Dark WPF

That’s All Folks

I hope you enjoy this theme and find it useful.  If you like this theme and want me to continue to give away our other themes, please let me know.  Otherwise, I will just assume you’re not interested and move on to other things.  Go ahead, download the Metro Light and Dark Themes for WPF and Silverlight Microsoft Controls and let me know what you think.  After you’ve done that, feel free contact me on my blog, connect with me on Twitter (@brianlagunas), or leave a comment below for any questions or comments you may have.


SQLSaturday #219 Kiev Event Recap



Infragistics was presented at SQLSaturday  #219 Kiev by me by me as a speaker.
The event was held on Saturday, May 25th 2013 at Microsoft Ukraine office, Kiev.

The event was organized from PASS and supported from the  Kiev SQL user group, Microsoft Ukaine, , Epam, The Frayman Group, Redgate, Pluralsight  and many other sponsors. It was an awesome event involving many good SQL, BI and. Net professionals. The conference was attended by 15 speakers from 7 countries (Russia, Ukraine, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Turkey and Bulgaria). Participants of the conference were more than 150. Special thanks to Denis Reznik and Konstantin Khomyakov who was administrator of this great event.

There was also an interest in the  Infragistics products – components for different platforms and Business Solutions applications.. Infragistics presentation samples about Spatial Data and  Windows Azure SQL Database includes solutions with Silverlight, WPF and ASP.Net MVC implemented with Infragistics components (NetAdvantage and Ignite UI). Most of developers in Ukraine know Infragistics brand  and sent a very good feedback about the company products .

The Infragistics brand is well recognizable in Ukraine. The current conference helped professionals in the region to gain a more detailed understanding of some products of the company.


Рegistration has already started


Meet some of the lecturers : Niko Neugebauer, Sergey Olontsev and Oleksii Kovalov


The conference keynote has just begun – Niko Neugebauer is talking  about PASS


Andrey Korshikov (the lead of Russian PASS community) and Konstantin Khomyakov



Playing an XBox game


The conference raffle.


There was 20 presentations in 4 tracks covering : Development, BI, DBA, Azure . Event schedule is available here.


Infragistics participation in the event:

There was 1 technical presentation from Infragistics Inc.:

Spatial Data and Windows Azure SQL Database  : Speaker - Mihail Mateev




Follow news from Infragistics for more information about new Infragistics events.

As always, you can follow us on Twitter @mihailmateev and @Infragistics and stay in touch on Facebook, Google+ andLinkedIn!

For The First Time in Bulgaria – SharePointSaturday with Infragistics


For the first time in Bulgaria SharePoint Saturday will be held on June 22, 2012 at Infragistics Bulgaria office: 110 B, Simeonovsko Shosse Bul., Office Floor II ans III , 1700 Sofia, Bulgaria.  Infragistics do much to be done the first conference SharePoint Saturday in this region. The event will be of interest to all specialists, using SharePoint - developers, administrators , BI specialist and users. The conference is supported by Microsoft Bulgaria, BSH, OneBit, Abilitics, Virtual Affairs, SharePoint user group in Bulgaria, Infragistics Friends and all Microsoft user groups in this region.

Infragistics Bulgaria Office 

Infragistics Bulgaria OfficeInfragistics Bulgaria Office


SharePoint Saturday Bulgaria Location

What is SharePoint Saturday:

  • SharePoint Saturday is an educational, informative & lively day filled with sessions from respected SharePoint professionals & MVPs, covering a wide variety of SharePoint-orientated topics.
  • Join SharePoint architects, developers, and other professionals that work with Microsoft SharePoint technologies at a 'SharePoint Saturday' event.
  • SharePoint Saturday is FREE, open to the public and is your local chance to immerse yourself in SharePoint!

Our plan is to have:

  • Up to 200 attendees
  • Up to 20 sessions, 4 or 5 Tracks
  • More than 15 speakers


Registration for participants and speakers is open.

The conference will be interesting for those of you who wish to learn more about SharePoint and related technologies.  First 150 tickets was sold. Hope that we could offer more tickets and you can register here.

If you are speaker and have appropriate topics you can submit your session by using the call for speakers page.

Sponsors who are interested in the event can get information about sponsorship here.

You could announce the event to your contacts using your blog, newsletters, and other means so that we can reach the widest audience to let them know about this great free event.

If you have any questions feel free to contact the Event Admins at mmateev@infragistics.com 

Follow this event on Twitter @SPSaturdayBG with hashtag #SPSaturdayBulgaria , and get news on all our events with #spsevents.

Detailed information about this event is available on the website of the conference  http://www.sharepointsaturday.eu and our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SharepointSaturdayBulgaria 

You can learn more about SharePoint Saturday Bulgaria if you follow us on Twitter @mihailmateev  and @Infragistics and stay in touch on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Infragistics Friends User Group !

Warm Regards,
SharePoint Saturday Bulgaria Team

Ignite UI Release Notes - May: 12.1, 12.2, 13.1 Service Releases


NetAdvantage® for jQuery is now named Ignite UI™. Please see this blog post for more details. With every release comes a set of release notes that reflects the state of resolved bugs and new additions from the previous release. You’ll find the notes useful to help determine the resolution of existing issues from a past release and as a means of determining where to test your applications when upgrading from one version to the next.

Release notes are available in both PDF and Excel formats. The PDF summarizes the changes to this release along with a listing of each item. The Excel sheet includes each change item and makes it easy for you to sort, filter and otherwise manipulate the data to your liking.

Download the Release Notes

Ignite UI 2012 Volume 1

Ignite UI 2012 Volume 2

Ignite UI 2013 Volume 1

Quick-Tip: Dividing a CGRect Using CGRectDivide (Objective-C)



When developing iOS applications without using Interface Builder, you'll always end up with a headache of trying to work out some math to split up and layout your views. One obscure method that helps a ton when working with CGRects is CGRectDivide.

  • void CGRectDivide (CGRect rect, CGRect *slice, CGRect *remainder, CGFloat amount, CGRectEdge edge);

The CGRectDivide method splits a CGRect into two CGRects based on the CGRectEdgeand distance from the rectangle side amount provided to the method.


Dividing a CGRect

Imagine you're layout an iPad screen and want two panels that are side by side. The left half taking up roughly 30% and serving the purpose of containing selectable elements. The right half taking the remainder of the space for content that requires more viewing space. Since the smaller view will be on the left side the CGRectEdge you'll use is the CGRectMinXEdge. You could use the CGRectMaxXEdge, but would need to adjust the amount parameter in the CGRectDividemethod call.

With the general idea in place, we can construct our method call as shown below.

CGRect areaOne, areaTwo;
CGRectDivide(self.view.bounds, &areaOne, &areaTwo, self.view.bounds.size.width * 0.30, CGRectMinXEdge);

The illustration at the bottom of this section shows the two areas after they have been used to create views. To create each of the views, here is the necessary code.

View for Area One

UIView *viewOne = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectInset(areaOne, 10, 10)];
viewOne.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin;
viewOne.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.9 alpha:1.0];
viewOne.layer.borderWidth = 2.0;
viewOne.layer.borderColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor].CGColor;
viewOne.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeZero;
viewOne.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5;
[self.view addSubview:viewOne];

View for Area Two

UIView *viewTwo = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectInset(areaTwo, 10, 10)];
viewTwo.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin;
viewTwo.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.9 alpha:1.0];
viewTwo.layer.borderWidth = 2.0;
viewTwo.layer.borderColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor].CGColor;
viewTwo.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeZero;
viewTwo.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5;
[self.view addSubview:viewTwo];

The layout was easily created without any math that confuses code readability and with each view now setup the child content can be added.

Dividing a CGRect

Download the Example Project

The Xcode project source code for this quick tip can be downloaded by clicking this link.

Building Databound JavaScript Apps with KnockoutJS, webinar follow-up


IgniteUI-KnockoutJSFirst of all, Thanks to all of you who attended the webinar yesterday. For a change you did not hear to Jason’s voice Smile . As per the plans we had Jason kick starting the presentation and then Tom and I continuing it. However due to a technical issue, Jason and Tom couldn’t login for first few minutes, so I had to go on. But both of them joined later and were answering to all your awesome questions! We apologize for the inconvenience!

In this webinar, We


Webinar Recording


(Please visit the site to view this media)


Slide Deck & Demos

You can view the power point presentations from here.

And here are the links to download demos:

As a bonus, here is a demo (not in shown in webinar) of SPA built with Knockout, Sammy, Bootstrap & Web API


Here are some useful resources that will help you get started with KnockoutJS & Ignite UI

Learn KnockoutJS

Some Advanced Knockout Topics

Building Enterprise dashboards in HTML5/jQuery using Infragistics Ignite UI

Ignite UI Editors with KnockoutJS integration

Ignite UI Grid with KnockoutJS integration


    Have any questions? Write to us jasonb@infragistics.com , tomp@infragsitics.com , nish@infragistics.com or 

    Find us on twitter – @jasonberes, @nishanil

    A Book Apart - HTML5 Resource of the Day


    Although I have written a lot recently about video training (since I know it works for me), I do acknowledge that there are plenty of people for which books are the best way to learn. Thankfully, there tons of great books available for people designing or learning to design websites. Today’s resource takes a look at one of the best set of books for web design, A Book Apart.

    A Book Apart - Brief books for people who make websites

    A Book Apart, brought to you by Happy Cog, claims to offer “brief books for people who make websites”. Given that a few of their most popular books are no longer than 120 pages, I’d have to agree with the “brief” part. As for the rest of the statement, the content offered in the books ranges from designing for mobile first to content strategy. The books are written by respected experts such as Luke Wroblewski and Dan Cederholm. The books can be purchased individually, as bundles of two, or as the complete library. Currently there are eight books but two more are on the way soon.

    A Book Apart Library


    There are some amazing books available at A Book Apart. I have personally read and can recommend Mobile First, HTML5 for Web Designers, CSS3 for Web Designers, and I’m in the process of reading Responsive Web Design. The content is well written and current. The short format provides you just the right amount of information to learn the topic.


    If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at bschooley@infragistics.com or find me on Twitter @brentschooley.



    Find the Parent Control of a Specific Type in WPF and Silverlight


    I know this is no ground breaking, mind blowing secret trick, but I have been getting a surprising number of questions regarding how to find the parent of a specific type for a control.  The ability to find a parent control based on a type comes in real handy when dynamically composing views such as in a Prism application.  There are tons of other scenarios where this is useful, but the most recent request for this was based off my XamDockManager Prism Region Adapter post.  Someone wanted to create a behavior that would be attached to their view, which is injected into a ContentPane, to control whether the ContentPane could be closed or not.  Well since the cancellable Closing event exists on the ContentPane control itself and not on the View that was being injected, they needed access to the parent of type ContentPane from within the behavior.  Well, lucky for them this is really easy to do.

    publicstatic T FindParent<T>(DependencyObject child) where T : DependencyObject
        //get parent item
        DependencyObject parentObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child);

        //we've reached the end of the tree
        if (parentObject == null) returnnull;

        //check if the parent matches the type we're looking for
        T parent = parentObject as T;
        if (parent != null)
            return parent;
            return FindParent<T>(parentObject);


    This simple code snippet will traverse up the visual tree of the control looking for a parent control matching the specific type provided.  To use it, simple call the FindParent<T> method, where T is the type you are looking for, and then passing in the control in which you want to the parent of.

    ContentPane _parentContentPane = FindParent<ContentPane>(this);
    if (_parentContentPane != null)
        _parentContentPane.Closing += _parentContentPane_Closing;


    This particular example searches up the visual tree of a user control looking for the xamDockManager ContentPane that contains the user control instance.  Oh, and did I mention that this exact code snippet will work the same in both WPF and Silverlight?  That was easy!

    Feel free contact me on my blog, connect with me on Twitter (@brianlagunas), or leave a comment below for any questions or comments you may have.

    NetAdvantage for LightSwitch 2012 Vol.2 Light (Free) now supports Visual Studio 2012


    We are proud to announce you that our May 2013 Service Release for NetAdvantage for LightSwitch 2012 Vol. 2 Light (Free) now supports Visual Studio 2012.

    In order to install and use our NetAdvantage for LightSwitch Light (free) package, you need firstly to install the volume release of it -   NetAdvantage for LightSwitch 2012 Vol. 2 Light (Free) and after that to install its Service release -  NetAdvantage for LightSwitch 2012 Vol. 2 Light (Free) - Service Release.

    All they can be found at the NetAdvantage for LightSwitch product page downloads: http://www.infragistics.com/products/lightswitch/downloads 

    Feel free to leave a comment below for any questions or comments you may have.

    Come Experience Microsoft TechEd 2013 with the Leaders in UX - Infragistics


    Are you going to be in New Orleans for Microsoft TechEd next week? If so, you’ll want to be sure to swing by the Infragistics booth – #403 – to take part in our daily giveaways, check out interactive demos of our award-winning products, and grab some free goodies. 


    Before you start packing your bags to head out, we wanted to let you know that Infragistics has been nominated in not one but two categories for the conference’s Best of TechEd 2013! If you love NetAdvantage Ultimate and SharePlus, we’d love to hear your voice in the voting, which is open now.

    Vote for Infragistics in the TechEd Attendees’ Pick Awards!

    Infragistics has been nominated in not one but two categories for the conference’s Best of TechEd 2013. If you’re registered to attend, you can vote for us for the Attendees’ Pick Awards. (Voting will be open this week, so stay vigilant!) Our cutting-edge developer suite NetAdvantage Ultimate – the only design and developer toolset on the market to offer controls for native and hybrid mobile, web, and desktop development, as well as rapid, interactive prototyping – is a finalist in the Software Development category. Similarly, Infragistics SharePlus – the universal mobile application for SharePoint – has been nominated in the SharePoint category.

    Don’t have NetAdvantage Ultimate or SharePlus yet?  Take them for a test-drive with our free, supported trials.

    Download a free trial of NetAdvantage Ultimate

    Download SharePlus Lite for iPad and iPhone, or get it for Android

    And then, don’t forget to vote!

    Catch the Demos for Your Chance at an Acer Each Day

    From June 3-6, our IGeeks will be showcasing the industry’s leading UI design and development tools, as well as our innovative Mobile Business Apps that make it easier to be productive from wherever you happen to be. Join us for the demos, and stick around for the giveaways, as we’ll be raffling off a sweet Acer Iconia tablet each day. Visit the booth for the official demo schedule and to get your raffle ticket. You must be present to win.


    See you at TechEd!


    WPF XamDockManager Floating Panes and XamRibbon Menu Integration


    Dealing with menus and floating windows is a real pain in the butt!  If you have written any type of WPF MDI (Multi Document Interface) application you know exactly what I am talking about.  Focus management in WPF is a real pain in itself.  Having to worry about Keyboard focus, Logical focus, and focus scope just makes you want to pull the hair out of your head.  Now start throwing in child windows and things get really painful.

    So Brian, what problem are you actually talking about?  Good question!  So on to the point.  The scenario I am talking about assumes you have a WPF application that has a MainWindow which contains a menu and maybe a toolbar.  Now, your application can open an unlimited number of Window instances.  The expectation of your application is that when I have a specific child window focused, I want to be able to click on a menu item on the MainWindow and have that action execute on the current active Window, and ONLY that Window instance.  Sound familiar?  Think Visual Studio.

    This blog post is going to answer a question a received regarding my post on a Prism region adapter for the xamDockManager in which the developer wanted to know how to have buttons on the xamRibbon control execute Prism DelegateCommands on the floating panes of the xamDockManager.  Just so you know, a floating pane in hosted inside a Window instance.  That means I am going to use the sample application in my previous post as a starting point.

    First, I modified the sample to use the xamRibbon control in place of the menu that was there.  Next I modified the View to add a TextBox so that I could prove that focus remained on a specific control inside a floating pane.  I also added a Prism CompositeCommand that will be used to update the views by calling the active ViewModel’s UpdateCommand.  I am not going to get into the details of CompositeCommands, DelegateCommands, IActiveAware and how Prism supports these objects.  If you use Prism, I am assuming you are familiar with how these work.  If you aren’t familiar, then just ask, and I will create a separate blog post on IActiveAware and command support.  Anyways, the gist of this is that Prism will know which View/ViewModel is active, and only execute the commands of the active View/ViewModel.  Pretty cool huh?

    Now, these modification don’t really fix my problem.  If I run the application and double click on a row in the XamDataGrid, a View will be injected into the XamDockManager.  I can then tear off the tab and place it in a floating Window which will have focus as seen below.

    WPF menu and floating window integration

    Next, I want to click on the “Update” button on the xamRibbon and have the View number update accordingly with a new random number.  The problem is that the second I click on the xamRibbon “Update” button, the floating Window loses focus, the MainWindow gains focus, and nothing happens.  Well, that sucks!

    WPF menu and floating window integration

    So, how do we solve this little problem of ours?  It’s actually extremely easy, but you might not think of it because it deals with listening to the Windows Message Loop.  The what?  The Windows Message Loop.  You might not know this, but the are message being sent throughout your application under the covers.  We want to tap into those message and listen for the ones we care about.  So let’s check our the code that will fix this for us.

    /// Interaction logic for Shell.xaml
    publicpartialclassShell : Window
        public Shell(ShellViewModel viewModel)
            DataContext = viewModel;

        protectedoverridevoid OnSourceInitialized(EventArgs e)

            var source = HwndSource.FromVisual(this) asHwndSource;

        /// Windows message loop filter.
        /// Watches for WM_MOUSEACTIVATE and returns MA_NOACTIVATE for the main window.
        /// This prevents the main window from getting focus due to a menu click.
        privateIntPtr FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, refbool handled)
            constint WM_MOUSEACTIVATE = 0x0021;
            constint MA_NOACTIVATE = 3;

            switch (msg)
                case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE:
                    handled = true;

        privatevoid XamRibbon_PreviewGotKeyboardFocus(object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
            //prevent the XamRibbon from gaining keyboard focus
            e.Handled = true;

    First we override the OnSourceInitialized method from our base Window class.  This is where we are going to add our HWND hook.  Our Filter basically checks to see if the MainWindow is being activated my a mouse click, and if it is, we simply stop it from being activated which keep focus on our floating pane window that currently has focus.  One more important note is that we have added an event handler for the xamRibbon.PreviewGotKeyboardFocus event.  In this handler, we simply set e.handled = true so that the xamRibbon does not receive keyboard focus and keeps the focus on the floating pane window.  Now, let’s try our little experiment again.

    WPF menu and floating window integration

    I open a new floating pane window and make sure I click in the TextBox to give it focus.  Next I hover my mouse over the xamRibbon “Update” button.  Click it.  Drum roll please…

    WPF menu and floating window integration

    BOOM!  The current active floating pane window is updated and it still has focus.  You can tell by the bright blue color of the window chrome.  Now it doesn’t matter how many floating pane windows I have open, only the active floating pane window will retain focus and any menu item click will invoke the commends on the current View’s ViewModel.  Pretty slick!  Don’t worry, if you click anywhere else on the MainWindow, focus will be given to the MainWindow just as you would expect it to be.

    Go ahead and download the source code and start playing around.  Feel free contact me on my blog, connect with me on Twitter (@brianlagunas), or leave a comment below for any questions or comments you may have.

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