Infragistics Friends group, BI & .NET Geeks (Bulgarian PASS Chapter) with the help of Infragistics Inc. organized a presentation on “T-SQL Performance Tips” . Infragistics Friends group is an official PASS Chapter in Bulgaria under the name BI &. NET Geeks and we try to provide more BI and data platform related content.
The event was held on Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 at Infragistics Bulgaria Office, 110B, Simeonovsko Shosse Bul., Sofia, Bulgaria.
This presentation was a practical session about T-SQL queries optimization. .
SQL Server optimizer doesn't use and index seek for execution of your query although the quer is high selective? What is better, when and why: LIKE vs: SUBSTRING, IN vs. EXISTS, SUBQUERY vs. JOIN. Why you should not use the UPPER or LOWER functions? How to avoid non-SARG-able WHERE clauses? Which query takes about 3 minutes in SQL Server 2008 and only one second in SQL Server 2012? In this session we will answer these questions and show how bad designed queries lead to poor execution plans. We will offer recommendations and tips how to avoid performance problems caused by poor query design (functions in WHERE clause, data type conversions…) and explain how local variables and parameters affect the generation of execution plan.
Speaker was Milos Radivojevic
Milos Radivojevic is a database developer and consultant, speaker, and trainer and is located in Vienna, Austria. He has been working with SQL Server over 10 years. He is MCT and MCITP for SQL Server 2008 and specializes in SQL Server for application developers and performance and query tuning.In March 2013 he joined's database development team.
This session was very useful for:
· Developers / QE / who test products using optimized queries and to receive the best results. They also can provide better samples, which demonstrate better performance just because of the query optimization.
· Consultants who want to help customers to improve the performance of their solutions without any additional work, related to the specific product .
· Web developers who want to use SQL Server with web applications more effectively.
- All kind of SQL Server specialists
- There was more than 90 registrations.
- 65 attendees in place
- Slides are available here :
Milos Redivojevic in action!
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