With every release comes a set of release notes that reflects the state of resolved bugs and new additions from the previous release. You’ll find the notes useful to help determine the resolution of existing issues from a past release and as a means of determining where to test your applications when upgrading from one version to the next.
Release Notes: NucliOS 2013 Volume 1 Build 294 and NucliOS 2013 Volume 2 Build 167
Component | Product Impact | Description | Service Release |
IGCalendarView | Bug Fix | Unable to autoscroll to the first appointment in the IGCalendarView. Note: Added 2 properties, dayViewInitialScrollLocation and dayViewInitialScrollStartHour. By default the functionality will appear that it hasn't changed. However, you can set the dayViewInitialScrollLocation property to either scroll to a specified hour or the first appointment. With the dayViewInitialScrollStartHour property, you can specify what the start hour is that it should auto scroll to. The dayViewInitialScrollStartHour property runs on a 24 hour clock. | 13.2.167 |
IGCalendarView | Bug Fix | IGCalendarView title area is truncated when using layout constraints. Note: The IGCalendarView title area is no longer truncated when using layout constraints. | 13.2.167 |
IGCalendarView | Bug Fix | IGCalendarView crash occurs when tapping or selecting a multiple day appointment. Note: The IGCalendarView no longer crashes when tapping or selecting a multiple day appointment. | 13.2.167 |
IGCalendarView | Bug Fix | Appointment titles are not readable when appointments are shown with a light color. Note: Appointment titles are much more readable when shown with a light color. | 13.2.167 |
IGChartView | Bug Fix | NSNull and nil throw an exception when bound to, rather then being ignored. Note: NSNull is now treated as NaN. | 13.1.294,13.2.167 |
IGChartView | Bug Fix | Memory leak when adding and removing the IGChartView from a view. Note: Fixed memory leak when using custom markers. | 13.2.167 |
IGChartView | Bug Fix | X-Axis labels are not displayed properly when their orientation angle is set to 270 degrees. Note: Fixed rotated labels with clipping for angles outside of 0-180 range. | 13.2.167 |
IGChartView | Bug Fix | Can't display IGRangeAreaSeries on IGCategoryDateTimeXAxis. Note: Added IGHighLowDateSeriesDataSourceHelper and IGHighLowDatePoint API to display a range series over a time axis. | 13.2.167 |
IGChartView | Bug Fix | IGChartView returns no series for tooltip when using date axis when compiled for 64-bit. Note: The methods chartView:viewForTooltipWithItemlist: and chartView:viewForTooltipWithItemlist:atPoint: now return the correct number of series when using a date axis. | 13.1.294,13.2.167 |
IGGaugeView | Bug Fix | IGGaugeView fails to draw in presence of autolayout. Note: The IGGaugeView now draws in the presence of autolayout. | 13.1.294,13.2.167 |
IGGridView | Bug Fix | IGGridView doesn't rotate well using autolayout. Note: The IGGridView now rotates correctly when using autolayout. | 13.2.167 |
IGPieChartView | Bug Fix | The "Others" label does not appear when the font size for the others palette is larger than what is set in the theme definition. Note: Others label and selected labels will properly display when their font size is different from the default font. | 13.1.294,13.2.167 |
IGRangeSelectorView | Bug Fix | IGRangeSelectorView won't resize shaded areas when rotated and not assigned to a chart. Note: Shaded areas of the IGRangeSelectorView are now properly resized during a device rotation. | 13.2.167 |