Last week I traveled to Nebraska to give my “Introduction to Prism” presentation to the Lincoln .NET User Group and the Omaha .NET User Group. My first stop was on Aug 29 at the Lincoln .NET User Group in Lincoln at the Assurity Life Insurance Headquarters. That’s me in front of the building.
The Lincoln .NET User Group is lead by my friend and community partner in crime Adam Barney. The facilities are extremely nice and great for social events. There is plenty of room for everyone and there’s a great little mini kitchen with everything you need for a great Prism talk. The projector system was nice and was well equipped with everything you need.
I know you’re wondering how the talk went. The talk started out as planned. Went through all 4 of my slides without a hitch. Then we started building our own little prism app. Basically the “Hello World” version of Prism. Then as I was about to continue with the next topic of delegate commands, the group decided they wanted to just dive right in head first and take a look at a much more complicated example. They didn’t want to see the basics. They wanted to see Prism in action. So the best example I had with me was the incomplete IG Outlook application I have been working on. We talked about the application architecture, complex view composition, MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel), real world problems and real world solutions. Well let’s just say everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy it.
I want to thank the Lincoln .NET User Group leadership for inviting me to present, Assurity for hosting the event in their wonderful facility, and everyone that took the time out of their day to come listen to me talk about Prism for 2 hours.
For those of you who attended and want the bits, look no further.
Download the Live Demo source code
Download the Prism DelegateCommand sample
Download the Prism CompositeCommand sample
Download the Prism EventAggragator sample
Download the IG Outlook sample application