First of all, Thanks to all of you who attended the webinar yesterday. For a change you did not hear to Jason’s voice . As per the plans we had Jason kick starting the presentation and then Tom and I continuing it. However due to a technical issue, Jason and Tom couldn’t login for first few minutes, so I had to go on. But both of them joined later and were answering to all your awesome questions! We apologize for the inconvenience!
In this webinar, We
- Introduced you to MVVM & it’s Benefits
- Did a recap of MVVM in WPF & demoed ViewModel in WPF
- Looked at how JavaScript became a language for Professionals & the need for patterns in JavaScript came in
- Introduced you to KnockoutJS (a library that brings MVVM to JavaScript world)
- Demoed a cool Todo App wherein we showed you
- ko.observable(),
- ko.observableArray(),
- knockout bindings (foreach, click, value etc)
- Reviewed Building Enterprise dashboards in HTML5/jQuery using Infragistics Ignite UI
- Demoed Ignite UI Editors with KnockoutJS integration
- Demoed Ignite UI Grid with KnockoutJS integration
Webinar Recording
(Please visit the site to view this media)
Slide Deck & Demos
You can view the power point presentations from here.
And here are the links to download demos:
As a bonus, here is a demo (not in shown in webinar) of SPA built with Knockout, Sammy, Bootstrap & Web API
Here are some useful resources that will help you get started with KnockoutJS & Ignite UI
Building Enterprise dashboards in HTML5/jQuery using Infragistics Ignite UI
Ignite UI Editors with KnockoutJS integration
Ignite UI Grid with KnockoutJS integration
Have any questions? Write to us , , or
Find us on twitter – @jasonberes, @nishanil