There is a lot to consider when you decide to start developing for Windows 8. It's a brand new platform with lots of new and exciting challenges. It is the first desktop grade operating system to be truly designed for touch. Developing applications for the Windows Store represents a new set of opportunities for existing and new developers alike. All of this can be overwhelming.
Having been through this process myself, I thought it would be a good idea to share some tips that will help you ease into the process. This post is the hub for what I hope will grow into a long running series of tips. I will have the first tip up later today.
What about the "Getting up to speed" series?
The "Getting up to speed with Windows 8" is coming as well. That will be a full-fledged, "from the ground up" tutorial that will show you how to build a complete application. This development tips series is meant as more of a "tip of the day" kind of thing where miscellaneous tips can be placed.
If you have any questions or comments, please comment below or find me on Twitter @brentschooley. You can also email me at