One thing about software development: There are so many languages and tools to choose from. From desktop to browser-based and mobile, there’s a flavor for everything you’ll ever need. Yet some in our industry believe there is “JavaScript fatigue” happening. This, in a recent article in SD Times, is defined as the inability to keep up with all the tools and the constant changes in the developer ecosystem. A recent “State of JavaScript” report looks at all that’s changing and the impact of those changes.
JavaScript most widely used language
In the 2018 JetBrains survey, Java remains the most popular primary programming language, but JavaScript is the most used programming language overall. For mobile, Kotlin might not yet be widely used, the but the survey showed that interest in the programming language is high. You can read the SD Times story here.
Angular for Designers initiative makes progress
At the community ng-conf last month, the Angular team at Google announced it is advancing work on Angular for Designers. As we reported in SD Times, the public launch remains months away, but the team is hard at work on a WYSIWYG prototyping tool that will give designers the ability to create this mockups without writing any code. Stephen Fluin, developer advocate for Angular at Google, lays it all out in this video from the conference.
Vue Vixens
Every Friday on, we turn the spotlight on open source by selecting a project of the week. Earlier this month, we chose a community program with the mission of introducing women to JavaScript. As SD Times news editor Christina Cardoza reported, other communities for women in programming exist (Django Girls, ng-Girls and more), but Jen Looper, a developer advocate at Progress, saw there was a lack of community around Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces to help scale web applications. Here’s a video describing the effort, including a message from vue.js creator Evan You, founder of Vue Technology.